Two Photos this time!! I was impressed by those of you who followed directions last week and avoided vomit captions. MOST of you followed.... (ahem, ADAM).
James: "I am glad the camera is always on the left side. You know that is my good side. Did you notice that the camera was on my left side while I was moisturizing also. Good work camera dude".
Elvis has left the building and is now outside.
I'm all shook up!
11:00 AM
James: "I am glad the camera is always on the left side. You know that is my good side. Did you notice that the camera was on my left side while I was moisturizing also. Good work camera dude".
11:05 AM
#1 You talking to me punk? I'll Pliliminate you!
#2 Wonder twin powers... activate!
12:02 PM
Phil strikes a pose for the new face of "Yo! MTV Raps"
8:36 AM
"Hello, my name is James and I am a Recovering Model. I have been unphotographed for 26 days. Oh crap! I mean 26 seconds."
Phil lets the world see a peak of him at his part time job... Porn God! Baum-chica-bow-bow
6:46 PM
1. Feel the burn baby...feel the burn.
2. Put your left arm in, put your left arm out...
2:29 PM
#1 "dude."
"bitchin', dude"
"I'm gonna cry like a crackbaby when I do that dude!"
#2 too sexy for my shirt & too sexy for my wedding ring
7:02 PM
Dude - you're gonna have the worst case of helmet hair. Maybe they'll edit it out...
1:16 PM
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