Monday, October 30, 2006

A sizeable Caption THIS! Challenge

Hi everyone, Allegra here, hijacking my blog back for five minutes.

In addition to the bonus and Caption THIS! That Chris will post this week, I'm issuing another challenge.

Here are my photos that I've taken so far on this crazy trip I'm on. They are sadly devoid of comments or funny captions (although, most of them are scenery and it's often hard to come up with something funny to say about that. I should know. That's mostly what I write about). For each picture that you put a comment on, I'll throw a point your way

(oh and Chris, I'll keep track of these). I think you can still comment if you're not a member of flickr. But if you can't, join! It's free, and it's the best online photo sharing tool that I've used. In fact, I heart it.

Okay, back to my creative ways.


Blogger Adam said...

How long can we get points for this?

12:24 PM


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